Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Giving it a Jumpstart

Alternate Title:  I'm One in a Million (Okay, 1 in 20)

I was ironically excited when I started spotting, thinking my body had finally recognized it wasn't a good host for this embryo.  When we went to the doctor on October 28th, she told me that the spotting I had experienced was not enough to indicate a miscarriage starting.

So now we had to decide, continue to wait, medicine, or surgery.  I knew I didn't want to do surgery (the internet had scared me with all the stories of people who's uterus was damaged and they were infertile).  Emotionally the prior week had sucked, so I decided to take the miso.  The NP informed me that miso works for 80% of women (spoiler alert:  keep in mind I'm one of a kind unique....).  She also gave me the first dose, sent me with another dose to insert the next day if things didn't start picking up.  She shared that I should expect a heavy flow period, passing of tissue, and some painful cramping.  They send you home with vicodin; some women liken the cramps to childbirth.

I went home ready, took the next day off of work and waited for a painful, icky experience...and I waited, and I waited, and I waited.  I had some mild to moderate cramping and inconsistent bleeding and I passed a couple of marble sized tissue.  After 2 days of this nothingness, I decided to return to work.  The next week bleeding picked up slightly, but not by much.

I went to the doctor again, on November 4th.  I got a wand ultrasound, again, which confirmed that I was still pregnant.  This moment was devastating, I just wanted to be D.O.N.E!  While they don't normally give miso a second time, they agreed to for me.

To shorten the story, basically it was Groundhog's day.  After a day of sitting around, AGAIN, I decided to return to work.  Mid-day I went to the bathroom, as normal, and when I wiped I saw a robin's egg sized tissue in the toilet.  I could not believe that had passed without me even noticing.  I emailed my doctor and she said that sounded like it was the pregnancy.  I think I was in shock when it happened, in retrospect I'm sad that was my experience, but glad that my job is all consuming and I didn't have time to think about it, 300 little faces needed me.

The following week another wand confirmed I had passed the pregnancy.  I continued to have light menstrual bleeding for about 3 weeks.  The NP told me to take a pregnancy test at the end of November to ensure HCG was out of my system.  And...it was positive, ugh!


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